I did this week’s comic on what I saw at Connecticon 2010. I picked four of the things that stood out to me for the strip. Most of which were new to me, even as an avid con-goer… Not the weirdos though, they happily are at every con. I have to thank my friends over at Elmwood Productions for the free pass in. If you went to CTcon 2010 and missed their demo on making short films than you missed out on seeing some cool puppets, hearing good stories, and seeing yours truly working the door for my friends. Thank you Elmwood!!
You can find Elmwood Productions at www.elmwoodproductions.blogspot.com/
You can listen to some music by Planetoid at www.planetoidmusic.com/
Ninja & Pirate is posted every Tuesday evening at ink.finkensteinstudios.com